Drama at the racetrack refers to what I have seen in practice as an equine veterinarian. I have enormous amounts of respect for horses, knowing that it’s not all gold that shines.
It also refers to the incredible struggle I had with this Zorn palette. At the start I could only find shitcolours (like literally), until I started to wonder: ‘Who says I have to look for colours the way everybody does?’ I am so used to painting with my two-coloured palette. I never paint green grass and a blue sky, so what am I struggling with for the sake of God. Then I suddenly started loving this painting.
The Zorn palette refers to a colour palette that is attributed to the great Swedish artist Anders Zorn (1860 – 1920). It exists of only four colours, namely ocher yellow, ivory black, vermilion and titanium white.
Reference: Zorn palette, Paard Verzameld art challenge
Reference photo: Kathy Russel